Why is Folgers Coffee So Cheap?

Folgers is one of the most popular and affordable coffees on the market. Learn why it's so cheap and how it became one of America's favorite coffees.

Why is Folgers Coffee So Cheap?

Folgers is a well-known coffee brand that has been around for centuries. It is known for its affordability and consistency in taste. Thanks to the passionate salesman Frank P. Atha, Folgers grew bigger and better than ever in the 1900s.

The company opened a second coffee plant in Texas, leading to exponential growth. Many connoisseurs believe that this consistency in the brew is what makes their coffee taste so good. Pleasant Morning Buzz is a Viennese roasted style coffee, a dark roast similar to French roast, which gives coffee a strong, bittersweet flavor that is easy for a black coffee drinker to drink. The Folger café was founded in 1850, but its history dates back to the early 17th century when the Folger family left Norwich, England. Even with Starbucks slowly taking over, Folgers is still the best coffee dispenser in the American home. Coffee starts to turn rancid the moment it's roasted, so it's best to buy smaller bags with roasted dates that you'll pass in a reasonable amount of time.

Café du Monde is named after a real coffee stand in New Orleans that has been in operation since the 1860s, and may be the best-known domestic producer of chicory coffee. This is complicated by the fact that a bag of coffee is often referred to as a “pound”, when in reality most bags only contain between 10 and 12 ounces of coffee. Automatic drip coffee makers, two French presses, one travel mug combined, one French press, one gentleman - these are all great ways to make your own cup of Folgers coffee. With so many coffees to choose from, why would anyone bother trying a more expensive Folgers? Sharing this quest for the cheapest coffee wasn't just about saving a dollar here and there; it was about experimenting with a friend. Even after the arrival of Starbucks and numerous local independent coffee shops, there are still millions of coffee lovers looking for an inexpensive can of Folgers when they shop weekly. The brand maintains its low profile on its market value and does not cost as much as Starbucks, making it an ideal choice for middle-income people who need their daily dose of caffeine.

Glenna Matthys
Glenna Matthys

Hardcore internet practitioner. Wannabe beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer expert. Devoted coffee evangelist. Hardcore social media scholar. Friendly beer fanatic.