Can Starbucks Employees Wear Jeans?

Find out what dress code rules Starbucks employees must follow when wearing jeans. Learn about color requirements and other restrictions.

Can Starbucks Employees Wear Jeans?

It's a lot of fun that Starbucks partners have a lot of freedom when it comes to their attire. While the iconic green apron is still a must-have, they can now choose from navy blue, black, or gray jeans to complete their look. Smart casual attire in neutral or muted tones is the best way to look professional and show off the apron. Asking to break the dress code is one of the most annoying things customers can do, according to an employee.

Starbucks is concerned that customers might find something unexpected in their drinks, like hair glitter. A University of Texas study found that the policy change actually reduced visits to Starbucks, as it was meant to create a more efficient coffee line but ended up having the opposite effect. The Starbucks employee handbook states that anything that could splinter or slip into food or drinks is not allowed. Face and throat tattoos are also prohibited, and any tattoo with questionable images should be covered.

The only light colors allowed for pants are gray and khaki (no white, even in summer). The apron with the Starbucks logo on the front and center ties the whole look together and creates uniformity. Starbucks employees must keep customers out until their exact opening time and take them out the door as soon as closing time arrives. Jeans with holes, baggy jeans, jeans that are too long, leather pants, sweatpants and sweatpants are all off-limits.

So, if you have a special request at Starbucks and think there's no chance for the employee to help you, don't be afraid to ask! After all, baristas are the face of the business and must maintain an overall neat and professional appearance.

Glenna Matthys
Glenna Matthys

Hardcore internet practitioner. Wannabe beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer expert. Devoted coffee evangelist. Hardcore social media scholar. Friendly beer fanatic.