Which Coffee is Less Acidic? A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to find and enjoy low-acid coffees without sacrificing flavor or risking health risks.

Which Coffee is Less Acidic? A Comprehensive Guide

Dark roasted coffees are known to be less acidic due to the fewer compounds that cause stomach cells to produce acid. But does regular coffee contain acid? The answer is yes, as the acidity of coffee occurs naturally. Arabica beans, which are very expensive, are also very acidic, although they have less than their robust counterparts. The acid content of coffee is actually a desirable flavor.

Coffee connoisseurs refer to it as citrus, plum or watermelon flavors. Although coffee doesn't taste like any of these fruits, they compare the acidity or sweetness to them. The Coffee Tasters Flavor Wheel is a helpful tool for making these comparisons. Generally, dark roasted blends are the type of coffee that is less acidic.

There are several ways to get a less acidic coffee, such as buying the right type of beans, choosing the right brewing method, and adding certain ingredients to reduce the acid in your coffee. If you suffer from acid reflux or just don't like the flavor of acidic coffee, there are plenty of ways to enjoy low-acid coffee. To reduce the acid as much as possible, an acid reducer with a high percentage reduction may be best. If coffee only bothers your stomach a little, you can add a little baking soda or salt.

You can also assess the acid level of your morning cup by looking at where the beans are grown, how they are roasted, and how you are preparing your coffee. When coffee experts talk about the “acidity” of a coffee, they are actually referring to the flavor notes of the infusion, not the acid content. They suggest reducing the ratio of coffee to water and using a little less coffee if the flavor is too intense. Finely ground coffee beans will give you a more acidic cup of coffee, so be sure to choose at least one medium ground coffee.

HealthWise coffee uses a special processing technique that reduces acids associated with heartburn. Puroast achieves its low-acid coffees through its “pure roasting process”, which consists of slowly roasting the beans over a wood fire. Mommee coffee is also a great balance between caffeine and flavor for those looking for a simple boost in the morning. Brazilian coffee that is roasted through a very slow or interrupted roasting process will be less acidic. When brewing and drinking coffee, adding milk, salt or eggshells can combat high acidity.

A water filtration system can also help ensure that the water you use doesn't make your coffee more acidic. It's important to note that drinking too much low-acid coffee can be just as harmful as drinking a couple cups of “normal acidity” type. Therefore, it's important to find a balance between enjoying your morning cup and avoiding any potential health risks.

Glenna Matthys
Glenna Matthys

Hardcore internet practitioner. Wannabe beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer expert. Devoted coffee evangelist. Hardcore social media scholar. Friendly beer fanatic.