What is starbucks nitro cold brew made of?

Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew Our Nitro cold beer is created when our unique cold beer (allowed to simmer for 20 hours) is infused with nitrogen as it comes out of the tap. The nitrogen infusion creates microbubbles, giving the coffee a frothy, cascading texture.

What is starbucks nitro cold brew made of?

Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew Our Nitro cold beer is created when our unique cold beer (allowed to simmer for 20 hours) is infused with nitrogen as it comes out of the tap. The nitrogen infusion creates microbubbles, giving the coffee a frothy, cascading texture. Cold Brew is a method of brewing iced coffee in which coffee never comes into contact with hot water. Coffee is soaked in cold water, and time replaces heat to extract the flavor.

In most stores you can order Nitro Cold Brew “to stay” and it's served in a half-liter glass so you can see the magnificent cascade of swirling nitrogen bubbles. Regular cold coffee is prepared using a cold water extraction method, in which ground coffee is allowed to sit for an extended period of up to 24 hours. Nitrogen bubbles are much smaller than carbon dioxide bubbles, which helps cold nitro beer feel velvety in the mouth. By drinking a regular cold beer and infusing it with nitrogen, you'll create an incredibly smooth texture.

Watch Mackenzie Karr, a coffee education specialist, take us behind the counter for the inside scoop on what makes Nitro Cold Brew smooth and creamy, unlike anything you've ever tried before. Since you'll prepare your cold beer at home, you can adjust the amount of caffeine by reducing the amount of water used to soak it. Nitro cold brew goes one step further by using special equipment to infuse regular cold coffee with nitrogen to improve its flavor and texture. The drink is served without sugar to highlight the flavor that the cold preparation process brings out in coffee.

Nitro cold beer is often considered an excellent alternative to sweet coffee drinks, such as iced lattes or caramel macchiato.

Glenna Matthys
Glenna Matthys

Hardcore internet practitioner. Wannabe beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer expert. Devoted coffee evangelist. Hardcore social media scholar. Friendly beer fanatic.