Do you need special coffee grounds for french press?

French press coffee requires coarsely and uniform grinding. If you use 350 grams of water, you will need 30 grams of coffee.

Do you need special coffee grounds for french press?

French press coffee requires coarsely and uniform grinding. If you use 350 grams of water, you will need 30 grams of coffee. So you have your first French press, that's great. You will prepare a coffee with an incredible flavor and, without a doubt, it is a step forward compared to an automatic drip machine with the push of a button.

You can use pre-ground coffee in a French press. It's not going to be the ideal option and you might have some issues. Not only will most beans slip through the mesh filter, but if the coffee is ground too finely, it can completely clog the filter and, in some cases, you won't even be able to push the plunger down. I've talked at length about the pre-ground coffee bean and the fresh whole coffee bean on this blog.

But in short, pre-ground coffee begins to lose its flavor and freshness almost immediately. When it comes to the French press, fine ground coffee is definitely no, no. A medium one-push grind will work, but if you're not careful, the rotten, fine coffee beans will end up in the cup. However, you can most likely buy whole grain coffee.

All you need is a good quality burred coffee grinder, set it to a thick configuration and grind it just before each preparation. But what if you don't have a grinder? Most coffee shops sell their branded coffees and can even roast them on site if you're lucky. But if you have no choice but to use medium coffee pre-ground in a French press, a word of advice. Once you've added the coffee and hot water, press the plunger gently, but stop just before touching the bottom.

If you haven't used this type of full immersion. Regular ground coffee beans are too fine for the French pressing mechanism. As a result, coffee is allowed to rest faster than it would if a coarse-grained grind were used, which is intended for French presses. And if you successfully prepare a cup of French press coffee with a medium or fine grind, cleaning will be a nightmare because all the spent coffee grounds lodge and get trapped deep in the filter.

This is because regular ground coffee can pass through the filter and leave the coffee with a bitter taste. It is this filter that prevents coffee beans from entering the cup; no one likes to drink coffee mixed with a bite of ground coffee. One thing that seems to confuse everyone (including me) is why French press manufacturers insist on using “cups” instead of ounces to indicate the amount of coffee they make. Pre-ground coffee is ground to a size that works well with drip coffee machines, but it's not as good for French presses (and, of course, it's almost always old and stale).

Do yourself a favor, invest in a good grinder, buy freshly roasted whole coffee beans from your favorite coffee shop or local roaster and prepare the best coffee you can make at home. Coarsely ground coffee will be your friend and, combined with a slightly longer soaking time, we guarantee a great-tasting cup without, yes, zero coffee grounds in your cup. If you don't mind a clear coffee, try coffee sieves to remove fine particles and rocks (large particles). In this post, I'll explain why you should get rid of the pre-ground and what will be the best type of coffee to use in your brand new French press.

If you haven't used this type of full-immersion coffee maker before, you might be wondering if you can use regular store-bought, pre-ground coffee in the French press. Remember that as soon as the coffee is ground, the freshness clock starts ticking, and most likely, the pre-ground coffee bought in the store has been on the shelves for months. A low-quality grinder can produce a large amount of fine particles that the coffee sieve manufacturer KRUVE compares to coffee powder. Freshly brewed whole grain coffee will always be the best choice with any coffee preparation method, not just the French coffee press.

Glenna Matthys
Glenna Matthys

Hardcore internet practitioner. Wannabe beer advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer expert. Devoted coffee evangelist. Hardcore social media scholar. Friendly beer fanatic.